For long-term recovery from opiate addiction, a strong and supportive 12-step recovery program offers the best chance for success. With what we know today, Vivitrol is the preferred medication in dealing with opiate addiction. However, it is a personal choice best made with accurate information from an informed health care team.
Help spread the facts about Teens and Opiates, including Heroin, visit the National Institute for Drug Abuse, National Drug Facts Week. Opioid Facts Heroin Facts Teens Prescription Drug Abuse What Is Your States Prescription Drug Abuse? Also to help, here are articles New Hope Recovery Center has written about Prescription Drug Abuse and Heroin:..
As the science of addiction medicine evolves, doctors have begun using new drugs in revolutionary ways that are changing how we think of and treat addiction. Vivitrol is a drug used to treat both opioid addiction as well as alcoholism. Since 2006, when it was first approved by the FDA for alcoholism, many patients have..
Looking for Prescription Drug Rehab? You are not alone. Prescription drugs have become a serious concern. In 2013, nearly 60% of all drug overdose deaths resulted from prescription drugs. Approximately two thirds of prescription drug abusers get them from family and/or friends. If you believe someone you know is abusing or addicted to prescription drugs,..
The abuse of prescription drugs has been on an increase for many years. Prescription drug abuse is the nations fastest-growing drug problem, and the Centers Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) show that nearly one-third of people aged 12 and..
Prescription drugs are often abused or misused. Like all types of abuse and addiction there is usually a component of secrecy or denial surrounding the problem. According to Foundation for a Drug-Free World here are 10 warning signs that someone is abusing prescription drugs: 1. Usage increase increased tolerance, taking a higher dosage to feel..
Prescription drug abuse and addiction is something frequently over looked. Stigma is guided by perception and in the field of addiction there is a hierarchy of stigma. A common stigma easily identified is the public perception surrounding licit and illicit drugs. Alcohol is perceived as a lesser evil because it is a legal substance, whereas..
The recent death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman has once again shined a spotlight on heroin addiction. A true epidemic that is not only impacting inner cities, suburbs and rural areas, but also poor, middle and upper classes, the rich and famous included. Phillip Seymour Hoffman passed away in his New York City apartment on February..
Perhaps the hardest part of drug or alcohol addiction treatment is actually getting there. The fears about entering an addiction treatment program or facility (rehab) can overpower the will to get sober and keep someone from getting the help they need. With so many unknowns involved, its not surprising many people initially decide against treatment..
Heroin use in Chicago and surrounding suburbs has continued to escalate. Heroin is an extremely addictive opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance, known as black..
When people abuse alcohol or drugs, they are taking risks with their health. With Drug and Alcohol abuse it does not take long for damage to occur to ones brain, body, and mind. Along with the substance itself, there are risks and dangers associated with the lifestyle of substance abusers. Certain lifestyle risks include financial,..