New Hope Recovery Center provides safe, supportive specialized addiction treatment to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Questioning, and Intersex (LGBTQI) community. We recognize that individuals in the LGBTQI community may not seek out treatment services for fear of rejection or prejudice. You can rest assured that every member of our staff strongly believe in the diversity of the individual and honor their dignity and self worth.
Recent work by Caitlin Ryan, PhD, ACSW, Director of the Family Acceptance Project, shows that a familys behavior and actions have long term impact on LGBT children and teens. Her work has found that LGBT youth from loving, supportive families have drastically fewer suicide attempts and are much less likely to become addicted to drugs.. read more ?
Jeff Zacharias, President and Clinical Director of New Hope Recovery Center, is mentioned in Jamie Marichs new book, Trauma Made Simple. According to Jamie: My wish is that one day, every client with unresolved trauma can have the good fortune to work with someone like Jeff. The reality is that so many trauma survivors in need.. read more ?
Its that time again for Chicagos only LGBTQ recovery weekend. It begins August 15th and continues until August 17th at the Center on Halsted. Chicago Roundup, Inc. is a volunteer-based organization for the celebration of 12-step recovery from alcohol and drug addiction within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community. This organization produces engaging events in.. read more ?
We previously discussed the first step in the process of coming out, self acceptance. Once someone accepts that they are in fact LGBTQ, they are then faced with a situation that no other group of people faces how, when, where and to whom do they disclose their sexual orientation or gender identity? Most people in our.. read more ?
Did you know there is an increased risk for substance abuse and addiction for those LGBTQ individuals who are dealing with any stage of the coming out process? What is Coming Out? Many people dont understand what is involved in coming out (disclosing ones sexual orientation or gender identity). Most envision it to be like.. read more ?
Sex addiction is a term thats becoming more and more prevalent in all aspects of the addiction community. A spirited debate as to whether theres even such a thing as sexual addiction has been developing for some time now. People cant be addicted to sex its just what people do is often heard, while.. read more ?
Methamphetamine (meth or crystal meth) is considered one of the worlds most addictive drugs. Why is it so addictive? To really understand the addictive power of crystal meth, it is helpful to understand the drug and how it works on the human brain and body. What does Crystal Meth do? Methamphetamine is a stimulant that.. read more ?
Heavy teenage marijuana use could damage brain structures critical to memory and reasoning and the effects may be long lasting. Heavy pot use during teenage years is also connected with lower IQ. It is well known that the human brain is not fully developed until 25-28 years of age. Chronic or heavy pot use by.. read more ?
How can you tell someone is abusing or addicted to crystal methamphetamine? Crystal Meth (also called crystal, ice, tina, glass, quartz, tweak, crank) is an extremely addictive stimulant. It is made from extremely caustic chemicals, which cause damage to any users beyond its simulative effects. Here are 32 common symptoms of crystal meth abuse to.. read more ?
As 2013 comes to a close, we wanted to review our most popular articles during the year. In reviewing the most viewed articles, four major themes emerge as the top concerns and focus of our readers during this year. Warning Signs It is clear that many people are interested in determining if they or a.. read more ?