Support can come in many forms, but regardless where the support comes from, it is a crucial part in starting your journey towards recovery. 12-Step meetings is the best way to meet other sober members of the community.
Its that time again for Chicagos only LGBTQ recovery weekend. It begins August 15th and continues until August 17th at the Center on Halsted. Chicago Roundup, Inc. is a volunteer-based organization for the celebration of 12-step recovery from alcohol and drug addiction within the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered community. This organization produces engaging events in..
From a young age we are praised for our achievements. However, somewhere along the line we start to believe that in order feel good or be loved we must be perfect. Perfectionism can easily sabotage someone in recovery from addiction. So to give yourself and your recovery a boost work toward eliminating..
Looking for Prescription Drug Rehab? You are not alone. Prescription drugs have become a serious concern. In 2013, nearly 60% of all drug overdose deaths resulted from prescription drugs. Approximately two thirds of prescription drug abusers get them from family and/or friends. If you believe someone you know is abusing or addicted to prescription drugs,..
From all the research that has been done in the field of addiction over the past 30-40 years, we know several factors are involved in the development and continuance of addictive behavior. Within the disease model of addiction, we understand the development of an addiction stems from the genes we have inherited. Once these particular..
The risks and detrimental effects of alcohol abuse by young adults under the age of 25 can have life-long consequences. In a recent survey, nearly 80% of 17-18 year olds had consumed alcohol, with over 47% of these 17-18 year olds using alcohol regularly. To help your young adult/teenager get the fullest from life, it..
Although drinking in moderation can be safe for adults, drinking by anyone under 21 can be a serious issue and should not be ignored, dismissed or minimized. There are, of course, the immediate risks and harms a young adult may experience from drinking alcohol: they are more likely to have driving accidents, experience death from..
Heavy teenage marijuana use could damage brain structures critical to memory and reasoning and the effects may be long lasting. Heavy pot use during teenage years is also connected with lower IQ. It is well known that the human brain is not fully developed until 25-28 years of age. Chronic or heavy pot use by..
The recent death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman has once again shined a spotlight on heroin addiction. A true epidemic that is not only impacting inner cities, suburbs and rural areas, but also poor, middle and upper classes, the rich and famous included. Phillip Seymour Hoffman passed away in his New York City apartment on February..
Women are the fastest growing segment of the population who abuse substances, according to several research studies that have been done recently. Although more women than ever are suffering from substance abuse disorders, there still is a small number of women who actually are receiving treatment for their addiction. Substance abuse in women is often..
Are you concerned your teenager or young adult is using marijuana? Below you will find 38 warning signs and symptoms for marijuana use. Marijuana use is very controversial across the nation, but something that cannot be denied, is the detrimental effect it has on young adults. It has been proven that young adults/teenagers who use..