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Family ProgramNew Hope Recovery Center’s Family Program is an integral part of healing for both the client and the entire family system.  Our Family Program offers a combination of evidence-based educational presentations such as “The Disease of Addiction” and “The Behavioral and Relationship Effects of Addiction” as well as more interactive process-oriented groups which promote an understanding of how recovery can heal the family as a whole. We fully recognize family members frequently struggle with wondering how to help their loved ones and as a result often feel helpless, anxious and angry in regards to the addict. Within 24-48 hours, our treatment team will reach out to the family members and significant others identified by our client so they can be involved and begin to feel supported. Our staff is available throughout the client’s entire treatment stay to be available to the family members and their needs.

As the family receives education, guidance and support, they will learn how best to support their loved one as well as themselves.  Additionally, we can make referrals for family members to local therapists and support groups.

What to know more about the family members and loved ones role in the recovery process? We post articles about this very topic in our journal!

How Family and Friends Survive an Addiction Family and friends can survive a loved one’s addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex and other addictions.  In fact the relationship with their loved one can grow to be deeper and more meaningful than ever.  For this to happen, both the addict and their family and friends will need to participate in a family-oriented treatment program.

Addicted Loved One?  5 Common Triggers You Can Help Avoid Being close to a recovering alcoholic or drug addict can sometimes be like walking on egg shells. In truth, many recovering alcoholic/addicts state that their loved one’s actions can be a cause of many triggers which can then lead to relapse. It’s important to know what your loved one’s triggers are, and to recognize if you may be exhibiting them.

Alcohol or Drug Addiction? Healthy Boundaries for Parents When an emerging adult has an alcohol or drug abuse problem or addiction, parents are on the front lines trying to intervene and offer support. It can feel like an emotional roller-coaster trying to address actions and behaviors that are both worrisome and unacceptable. The stress is even greater when the young adult is away at college. Developing healthy boundaries will help bring sanity to what seems like an insane situation.

Restoring Trust Damaged by Addiction (Part 1 of 3) Trust can be strained or broken by an addiction.  An addict often fails to follow through on well-intended promises, is dishonest, and engages in risky behaviors that can harm the addict and their loved ones.  Secretiveness and hiding are common to those caught up in addiction and will lead an individual to do things uncharacteristic of their true nature.  Rebuilding relationships requires trust.

Restoring Trust Damaged by Addiction (Part 2 of 3)  Restoring the trust needed to rebuild relationships takes time.   There are 5 steps a recovering addict and their loved ones can take to improve the process of building trust.  The first steps in restoring trust are to 1) be honest and 2) have open, frequent communication as discussed in our earlier posting.  In this article, we look at the next two steps – all parties should accept accountability and set clear and healthy boundaries.

Restoring Trust Damaged by Addiction (Part 3 of 3) As discussed in the two previous articles, trust can be strained or broken by an addiction.  Restoring the trust needed to rebuild relationships takes time.   The first two steps to restore trust are to be honest and have open, frequent communication.  The next two steps are for all parties to  accept accountability and set clear and healthy boundaries. The final step is to understand and handle any shame and guilt.

Parents’ Guide to Prevent Heroin Use and Addiction Chicago’s heroin epidemic and the rapid increase in young adults becoming addicted to heroin is truly startling. There are steps that parents can take to prevent their loved ones from becoming a sad statistic of the heroin epidemic.

Student Drug Abuse Warning Signs Young adults face many temptations and opportunities to use and abuse drugs and alcohol.  As a parent, it is important to allow for appropriate independence and growth for your student or young adult, but also to keep a watchful eye looking for warning signs or symptoms of drug or alcohol use/addiction.

Co-Dependents and Addicts – 7 Characteristics of Co-Dependents Have you ever been referred to as co-dependent?  If you have, how would you know what that even means?  In a nutshell, if you are as dependent upon another person, usually an addict, as much or more than they are addicted to drugs or alcohol, then you are a co-dependent. Do you recognize any of these 7 characteristics in yourself or someone you love?