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What is Alcoholism?

There are several stages of alcoholism, which is why we provide multiple levels of care for our clients.  The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)  has defined alcoholism as: “… a primary, chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influencing its development and manifestations. The disease is often progressive and fatal. It is characterized by continuous or periodic: impaired control over drinking, preoccupation with the drug alcohol, use of alcohol despite adverse consequences, and distortions in thinking, most notably denial.”

It is important to realize that alcoholism can be periodic, and that no person can calculate when those times will occur. For alcoholics, regardless if they are continuous or periodic, it is strongly suggested that they abstain from alcohol at all times.

How New Hope Recovery Center Treats Alcoholism

New Hope Recovery Center utilizes the disease model in understanding alcoholism and other drug addictions.  We believe that addictions are treatable conditions much like any other life threatening illness.  Additionally, we view recovery from a 12-step oriented perspective with the belief that as the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous states, “there is hope for continuous and lasting recovery from the hopeless state of body and mind that result from active alcoholism or addiction.”

Each client at New Hope Recovery Center is treated from a client-centered, holistic perspective that recognizes the unique needs of the individual – mind, body and spirit.  This is accomplished through customized treatment plans utilizing input from both clients and their family members. We value the respect and dignity of each person, which is reflected, in our service.

Alcohol Addiction Care at New Hope Recovery Center

Developing a sober support network while being in a healthy, therapeutic environment is a key factor in treating addiction. Peer support is essential within the treatment experience and even more important after treatment has been completed. For this reason, we strongly encourage clients to build a support network while in treatment, which means actively seeking a sponsor, home group and a new set of sober friends.  The very act of helping others, in itself, truly treats the human spirit.

New Hope Recovery Center provides high quality care in a cost effective manner and continues to develop innovative ways of providing our clients with the best tools for achieving ongoing recovery from alcoholism and addiction.

One of our greatest joys is the ongoing support that New Hope Recovery Center Alumni provide by volunteering their time and energy to connect with current clients. Experiencing recovery in action is a valuable aspect to our client’s recovery. If you have further questions about alcohol and drug treatment at New Hope Recovery Center, please contact us. We would be happy to talk with you and provide a tour of our facilities.

Want more information? Below are some articles from our journal about alcoholism.

Symptoms of Alcoholism, Being an Alcoholic: Do you worry that you or a loved one is an alcoholic or is abusing alcohol? What factors distinguish the difference between a “social drinker” and someone that has a problem?

14 Warning Signs of a Secret Alcoholic: It is not always obvious or easy to determine if a loved one has a problem with alcohol.  Alcohol could be subtly affecting your loved one and your relationship. People with addiction issues often hide or deny the extent of their addiction issues.

Drug or Alcohol Addiction Rehab in Chicago: Seeking help for a drug or alcohol addiction is often an overwhelming and confusing process.  Deciding to get help is a huge step, but can often lead to feeling  overwhelmed wondering where to start.  With so many options (including self-help groups such as AA, NA, CA, CMA, etc.) available, it can seem like a daunting task.