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A continuum of care is one of the most important aspects of successful recovery following any type of treatment program. Our Aftercare Program includes weekly group meetings for clients that were successfully discharged from a higher level of care and are looking to continually better themselves and remain in recovery.

Aftercare Meetings at New Hope Recovery Center: Mondays 7-8pm and Tuesdays 10:45-11:45am

Aftercare is a part of a complete life-care program that covers all aspects of living a healthy, fruitful sober life.  A good Aftercare program prepares those who have completed alcohol or drug addiction treatment to enter the period of early recovery.  It helps maintain and build on the gains made during their treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.  The Aftercare program starts immediately following addiction treatment and is critical to help prevent relapse and to achieve optimal outcomes.

While in Aftercare it is important to start your life-care goals:

Meditation: Meditation can benefit anyone in any stage of their recovery, but it is especially helpful in early recovery to help deal with post acute withdrawal symptoms. Meditation’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits include a greater sense of awareness, peace of mind, and a deepened connectedness to a higher power, nature and others. It can also create a greater sense of purpose and provide more creative ways to resolve or come to terms with past issues, which tend to be buried.

Gratitude: Keeping an optimistic view of life with the practice of gratitude will allow one to be more content.  Maintaining self-discipline and delaying instant gratification not only decreases the impulsive nature of addictive behaviors, it aids in feeling gratitude.  Practicing gratitude is a key component for overall emotional health and helps us focus on all the positive wonderful things in our lives, versus seeing only what is lacking, disappointing or unpleasant.  Our brains are naturally programmed to look toward the negative, so consciously choose gratitude to override this natural tendency.

Healthy Habits: Practicing healthy habits not only eliminates bad habits, it establishes and maintains the self-discipline that is important in recovery.  Healthy habits will increase your energy and productivity.  Here are some healthy habits to incorporate into your life:

  • Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains and foods high in fiber
  • Cut back on sugar and sweets
  • Eliminate soda
  • Stay away from energy drinks
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Cut back or eliminate nicotine and caffeine
  • Engage in regular physical activities such as yoga, weight training, walking, bike riding and running (consult your doctor before starting such activities)
  • Make sleep and rest a priority by getting the proper amount of sleep, not too little nor too much
  • Practice Mindfulness, Gratitude and Meditation

At New Hope Recovery Center, we stay connected with our clients even after the treatment episode ends. We follow up with the client and family by telephone and emails on a regular basis for 18 months following treatment.  Additionally, we also provide helpful transitional follow-up care with family and friends.