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Treatment Directories

  • Interventions

    Intervention Referral is a referral organization created to help family members, employers and loved ones find quality help for those suffering from alcoholism and/or drug addiction.

  • Drug Treatment Centers Alcohol Rehab Programs and Drug Rehabilitation Centers

    Drug treatment, drug rehab and alcohol rehabilitation, and dual diagnosis treatment referral resources for treatment centers, alcohol and drug rehabilitation programs, and addiction recovery resources.

  • Eating Disorder Online

    Our goal is to bring people together around the issues of eating disorders by providing concise, up-to-date information and a meeting place for those seeking pathways to recovery.

  • Organized directory of self growth categories is the most complete guide to information about self improvement, personal growth, and self help on the internet. It is designed to be an organized directory, with articles and references to thousands of other websites on the world wide web.

  • Sober Sites

  • Dual Diagnosis Treatment

    Dual diagnosis treatment information, assessments, referrals, and resources for finding dual diagnosis rehabilitation programs and treatment centers.

  • Drug Alcohol Rehab

    America’s Online Resource for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Information

    Addiction and Recovery

New Hope Recovery Center is a residential drug and alcohol treatment center, located in Chicago, Illinois (IL). New Hopes staff of addiction recovery
professionals include certified addiction counselors, doctors specializing in addiction counseling, family therapist, consulting psychiatrist, licensed clinical social workers and
other treatment professionals that include adult women and men. We provide drug addiction treatment to adults 18 and over, males, females , and counseling to parents,
spouses, siblings and other family members involved in the lives of our patients. We have been successful to help alcoholics and drug addicts suffering from alcoholism
and drug addiction from drugs that include alcohol, meth “speed”, cocaine and other stimulants, narcotic opiates such as heroin, methadone, oxyContin, vicodin,
and other narcotic painkillers, and sedative benzodiazepines. New Hope is a successful drug rehab center offering the best alcohol and drug rehabilitation treatment with
a high success rate. New Hope drug rehab center will help the alcoholic and drug addict re-acquire the ethics and morals that once existed before drugs entered into their

  • Metro Location
    New Hope Recovery Center
    Intake and Assessment Office

    2835 N Sheffield Ave
    Suite 407

    Chicago, Illinois (IL) 60657

    Direct: 773-883-3916
    Toll Free: 888-707-4673
  • Suburban Location
    New Hope Recovery Center

    309 Hamilton Street
    Suite B

    Geneva, Illinois (IL) 60134

    Direct: 630-402-0144
    Toll Free: 888-707-4673

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